Persimmon Almond Thumbprint Cookies


Ingredients:makes 8-10 large cookiesCookie Dough- 2 cups almond flour- 1/4 tsp. salt- 1/4 tsp. baking soda- 3 Tbsp. melted coconut oil- 2 Tbsp. honey- 1 whole eggPersimmon Jam- 3 ripe persimmons- 3 Tbsp. water- 1/4 cup cane sugar- 3 tsp. lemon juiceReady in Total Time: 45 min.Prep Time = 15 min.Cook Time = 30 min. *Note: Feel free to adjust the sugar and lemon juice ratios to your preferences (you can also start with half the recommended amounts first and add more later).


Preparation:For the full preparation method and instructions, watch my YouTube video tutorial here. ​Persimmon Jam cook time*:- simmer the ingredients on low for 10 - 15 minutes until thickenedCookie Baking time:- Preheat your oven to 350F degrees- Bake for 12 - 15 minutes or until the cookies are golden brown- let cook on a rack for a few minutes before serving

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